Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2025-01-20
Golden hamster "Siu Kwai" Abdominal Abscess and Cyst
This golden hamster, called "Siu Kwai" (小葵), developed a large abdominal abscess and a cyst on her liver. The recommended treatment was the surgical removal of the abscess and the drainage of the cyst.
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2025-01-20
Bao Jai 16-year-old Chinchilla Tibial Fracture
This 16-year-old chinchilla called "Bao Jai" broke its right hind leg three weeks ago. The fracture was treated with a Robert Jones bandage by the referring veterinarian, but unfortunately, the fracture didn't heal.
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2025-01-20
1.5-year-old Hamster 'Donut' Bleeding Uterus Tumour
'Donut', this 1.5-year-old hamster came to see us with bloody vaginal discharge or bloody urine. The origin of the blood can be challenging to determine in these tiny rodents. The physical examination revealed a large, 4 cm diameter mass in her belly. We suspected that she might have a bleeding tumour in her uterus, but a tumour in the bladder could cause similar clinical signs too. Due to the constant bleeding, we recommended a diagnostic workup immediately followed by surgery to remove the mass. In order to identify the origin of the mass and to look for metastasis, we performed a contrast-enhanced CT scan. Giving contrast injections into the veins of hamsters is very challenging due to their size. Luckily, Donut was a big girl (190g), so we managed to give her the contrast material intravenously. The CT scan didn't find any metastasis, so we proceeded with the surgery. Every minute counts when dealing with tiny exotic patients because they can deteriorate very quickly. Donut was presented for the consultation at 10am; we did the CT at noon and successfully finished the surgery at 4pm on the same day.
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2025-01-20
Dental abscesses are widespread problems in rabbits
Dental abscesses are widespread problems in rabbits. In this 3D CT, you can see the head of a bunny called "Toffee". Due to the third right mandibular cheek-tooth infection, he developed a huge, 4 cm in diameter, abscess on his chin. The treatment of these abscesses is often challenging, and multiple methods are described in the literature. I find the technique called marsupialisation to be the most effective. During marsupialisation, we remove the top of the abscess, create an opening as big as possible and suture the remaining capsule to the skin. If necessary, the severely affected tooth should be removed too.
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2025-01-20
Micro-orthopaedic surgery on a 270g rose-breasted cockatoo
Micro-orthopaedic surgery on a 270g rose-breasted cockatoo. This friendly cockatoo somehow broke its left leg while playing in its cage. Luckily, we managed to put the broken bones back together using the combination of an intramedullary pin and external fixation. We had to put a collar on him to protect the surgical wound from his beak. Hopefully, in six weeks, his leg will heal perfectly.
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2025-01-20
'Crop Burn' A Common Problem of Hand-raised Young Parrots
'Crop burn' is a common problem of hand-raised young parrots. If the hand-feeding formula is too hot, it can heat up and cook the tissues of the crop from the inside out. When the thermal burn is severe enough, the wall of the crop becomes necrotic, sloughs off, and the food leaks out. This is the stage when the owners usually notice the problem. These birds are always hungry because the food they swallow cannot reach their stomach. Before surgery, the bird needs to be stabilized and adequately fed. The feeding formula can be administered directly into the proventriculus via the hole on the crop using a long, metal feeding tube.
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  • Exotic Animal Cases
    Exciting News for Your Exotic Pets at Concordia Pet Care!
    We are thrilled to announce an exciting expansion at Concordia: the introduction of Nighttime Exotic Emergency consultations! This new service extends Dr. Zoltan's renowned exotic specialist care into the hours of darkness, ensuring expert care for your pets around the clock.
    Ureter Stone Removal in a Rabbit
    Our team is dedicated to advancing the field of exotic animal medicine by pushing the boundaries and exploring new techniques to provide the best possible care for our patients and save as many lives as possible. This case is an excellent example to illustrate this effort. A 6-year-old female rabbit called Toto 桃桃 developed a stone in her urinary tract that blocked the ureter and prevented the urine from leaving the kidney. The build-up of urine caused lots of pain and led to a condition called hydronephrosis.
    A very sweet present from the owner of 小葵(Siu Kwai) to Dr. Zoltan Szabo and his team
    A very sweet present from the owner of 小葵(Siu Kwai) to Dr. Zoltan Szabo and Concordia Exotic team! Thank you so much for your trust! Siu Kwai was found to develop a large abdominal abscess and a cyst on her liver after she was neutered at another clinic last year. She came to Concordia for advice from Dr. Zoltan Szabo, and the cyst was successfully removed. Siu Kwai recovered from the surgery very well.
    The Surgery of the Broken Leg of ‘MoMo’, the Guinea Pig Baby
    MoMo, this 3-month-old, 260g guinea pig baby, had a gruesomely broken left hind leg because the door was closed on his leg accidentally. As a result, his femur was shattered into six pieces, and we struggled to put all the fragments together during the surgery. Additionally, the broken bone got infected, and it took three antibiotics and four months of treatment to clear up this problem. Luckily MoMo's owners didn't give up and diligently provided him with all the care and treatment he needed. He had his final X-rays on 19th February, and while it is not the prettiest bone healing We've ever seen but the bone fragments are fused, and the infection is finally gone!
    The Spay of ‘SiSi’ the Golden Hamster
    Sisi (思思), a 1.5-year-old golden hamster, came to us due to bloody vaginal discharge. We suspected she had some uterine abnormality (infection, tumour or endometriosis). Because of financial restraints, we couldn't do a CT scan, and we can't identify uterine abnormalities in a hamster by ultrasound; therefore, we couldn't diagnose her problem precisely.
    The Surgery of the Broken Leg of ‘Chubby’, a three-month-old Rabbit Baby
    "Chubby" is one of the most adorable rabbits Dr. Zoltan had the privilege to operate on. He was only three months old and 460g when he came to see us for the first time. The owner purchased him a few days before and accidentally dropped him. Unfortunately, Chubby broke his left femur, and the owner didn't have the money to pay for the surgery, so she decided to surrender the rabbit.
    Flank Spay of ‘Nana’ the Guinea Pig
    ​Let's see the routine desexing surgery of a young guinea pig called Nana. Contrary to dogs in most rodents, we prefer the dorsolateral flank approach for routine, elective spay.
    Uterus Tumour in a Two-year-old Hedgehog
    The owner of this two-year-old female hedgehog, called "Dianna," noticed that the hedgehog was bleeding from somewhere. Because Diana was somewhat secretive and liked to curl up into a ball, it took some time for her owners to identify that the bleeding was coming from the vagina. Since it was impossible to examine her while conscious, we anaesthetised her using isoflurane and discovered that she had a bloody mass hanging from her vaginal opening.
    85g Monk Parakeet Right Tibiotarsal Bone Fixing Surgery
    ​This 85g monk parakeet, called "Aria," somehow managed to break its right tibiotarsal bone. There are several methods to fix these kinds of fractures in tiny parrots, and Dr. Zoltan's favorite is using a single intramedullary pin. Compared to casts and bandages, the bird can use its leg very soon after the surgery, and birds seem to tolerate metal pins way better than bandages.
    A two-year-old dwarf hamster "Boo" Hair-loss Problem
    "Boo", a two-year-old dwarf hamster, developed hair-loss several months ago that didn't respond to the medical treatment of the referring veterinarian. Unfortunately, Boo was too tiny (only 20g) for blood hormone level measurement. However, her clinical signs were typical of adrenal gland hyperactivity hyperadrenocorticism, Cushing's disease).
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  • Concordia pet care Pet health guardian