Bao Jai 16-year-old Chinchilla Tibial Fracture
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2022-06-10

This 16-year-old chinchilla called "Bao Jai" broke its right hind leg three weeks ago. The fracture was treated with a Robert Jones bandage by the referring veterinarian, but unfortunately, the fracture didn't heal. 

Therefore, Bao Jai was sent to @DrZoltan Szabo for surgery. Since the fracture was already two weeks old at the time of the operation, the mobilisation and visualisation of the broken ends of the tibia were rather challenging because the tissues had already started to heal. First, we had to scrape off some scar tissue from the bone to see the medullary cavity. The rest of the surgery was relatively straightforward. We used an IM pin combined with a FESSA external fixation bar to stabilise the bone. Today, a week after the surgery, Bao Jai can already use his leg and move around.

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