Uterus Tumour in a Two-year-old Hedgehog
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2022-11-18


The owner of this two-year-old female hedgehog, called "Dianna," noticed that the hedgehog was bleeding from somewhere. Because Diana was somewhat secretive and liked to curl up into a ball, it took some time for her owners to identify that the bleeding was coming from the vagina. Since it was impossible to examine her while conscious, we anaesthetised her using isoflurane and discovered that she had a bloody mass hanging from her vaginal opening. 

A CT scan helped localise the lesion, which turned into a prolapsed uterine mass. Because she was already quite anaemic, she needed emergency surgery immediately to remove this bleeding tumour. The mass totally filled up the uterus and was so large that we had to open the uterus first to remove the mass and then remove the uterus in a second step. Unfortunately, the owners didn't want the histological examination of the tumour, so we don't know its exact nature. 

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