The Spay of ‘SiSi’ the Golden Hamster
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2022-12-10


Sisi (思思), a 1.5-year-old golden hamster, came to us due to bloody vaginal discharge. We suspected she had some uterine abnormality (infection, tumour or endometriosis). Because of financial restraints, we couldn't do a CT scan, and we can't identify uterine abnormalities in a hamster by ultrasound; therefore, we couldn't diagnose her problem precisely. 

Sisi got somewhat better after several days of antibiotic treatment, but eventually, we decided to spay her. This was the right thing to do because the histological diagnosis and the cause of the bleeding was cystic endometrial hyperplasia. This condition often leads to uterus cancer if left untreated.

Concordia pet care Pet health guardian