'Crop Burn' A Common Problem of Hand-raised Young Parrots
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2021-11-03



'Crop burn' is a common problem of hand-raised young parrots. If the hand-feeding formula is too hot, it can heat up and cook the tissues of the crop from the inside out. When the thermal burn is severe enough, the wall of the crop becomes necrotic, sloughs off, and the food leaks out. This is the stage when the owners usually notice the problem. These birds are always hungry because the food they swallow cannot reach their stomach. Before surgery, the bird needs to be stabilized and adequately fed. The feeding formula can be administered directly into the proventriculus via the hole on the crop using a long, metal feeding tube.

The surgery is relatively straightforward. First, the adhesion between the damaged crop wall and the skin needs to be broken down. Then the devitalized and necrotic edges of the crop and skin wounds should be removed. Next, the wall of the crop should be closed in two layers, and the final step is routine skin closure.

Concordia pet care Pet health guardian