A two-year-old dwarf hamster "Boo" Hair-loss Problem
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2022-08-04


"Boo", a two-year-old dwarf hamster, developed hair-loss several months ago that didn't respond to the medical treatment of the referring veterinarian. Unfortunately, Boo was too tiny (only 20g) for blood hormone level measurement. However, her clinical signs were typical of adrenal gland hyperactivity hyperadrenocorticism, Cushing's disease). 

Based on this tentative diagnosis, we started her on a trilostane (Vetoryl) trial at the dose of 2.5mg/kg once a day. She began to grow hair four weeks after the treatment started and is back to normal seven weeks later. 

Hyperadrenocorticism in hamsters is seen occasionally in clinical practice. Diagnosis is based on identifying classic signs similar to those in dogs, polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia; clinical signs of alopecia and hyperpigmentation, with intact skin and minimal pruritus. In the blood tests, high plasma cortisol and serum alkaline phosphatase concentrations can be seen. 

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