85g Monk Parakeet Right Tibiotarsal Bone Fixing Surgery
Dr. Zoltan Szabo 2022-10-13


This 85g monk parakeet, called "Aria," somehow managed to break its right tibiotarsal bone. There are several methods to fix these kinds of fractures in tiny parrots, and Dr. Zoltan's favorite is using a single intramedullary pin. Compared to casts and bandages, the bird can use its leg very soon after the surgery, and birds seem to tolerate metal pins way better than bandages. 

In this case, because of the size of the bone, we used a 23G needle (diameter = 0.6mm) as an intramedullary pin. Swipe left for the surgical video and the before-after X-rays. 

Concordia pet care Pet health guardian