Godzilla is a 1 year old Maine Coon. He presented after stabilisation at another emergency clinic after he jumped and fell from 8.5 floors. He suffered severe soft tissue injury to his body wall and multiple fractures on his pelvis and both hind legs. On top of that, because of the serious trauma he sustained, he developed systemic inflammatory response syndrome with persistent fever, low white blood cells, loss of protein and non-healing wounds. With his dedicated paw-rent, multiple surgeries to mend the broken bones and body wall, and around-the-clock intensive care, he is finally back on his 4 feet!
If you want to book an appointment with Dr. Elaine Ng, contact us by calling 2679 1000 or via WhatsApp 5919 3038.
LG & P1, No. 5-7, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.