Case Sharing: Utilizing Minimally Invasive Palliative Procedures (MIPP) to Alleviate Respiratory Obstruction in a Weimaraner with Nasal Tumor
Concordia Pet Care 2024-09-14

This case involves the use of Minimally Invasive Palliative Procedures (MIPP) to provide a treatment option for dogs diagnosed with nasal tumors, aiming to alleviate symptoms while maintaining a good quality of life.


An 11-year-old Weimaraner was diagnosed with a space-occupying nasal tumor that had completely obstructed the back of his nasal cavity, causing noticeable upper respiratory stertor. Despite this diagnosis, the dog remained bright, happy, and active. Given his overall well-being, the carers were reluctant to pursue radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or traditional surgical resection due to the potential trauma and complications associated with these treatments.


The carers had a clear objective: they wanted to find a treatment that could effectively relieve the discomfort caused by the nasal obstruction while preserving the dog’s quality of life as much as possible. Based on this need, Dr. Elise chose to implement Minimally Invasive Palliative Procedures (MIPP) as the solution.


Minimally Invasive Palliative Procedures (MIPP): These are procedures designed to alleviate symptoms and reduce pain through minimal trauma. MIPP is not necessarily a curative treatment but aims to improve the patient’s quality of life, especially in cases where the disease is not curable or the patient cannot undergo aggressive treatments. For nasal tumor cases, MIPP may involve endoscopic-guided laser vessel ablation and tumor cytoreduction to reduce the discomfort caused by the tumor, allowing the patient to maintain a higher quality of life with less pain and fewer complications. 


In this case, Dr. Elise performed endoscopic-guided laser vessel ablation and tumor cytoreduction. She first ablated the blood vessels supplying the tumor, then resected the tumor at the pedicle, and finally performed tumor cytoreduction along the visualized margins.


While MIPP is not considered a curative treatment, it provided this Weimaraner with an option to alleviate the respiratory obstruction caused by the tumor, significantly improving his quality of life.


This case illustrates how MIPP can be an invaluable addition to our treatment options, helping to reduce suffering and support the quality of life by minimizing trauma, pain, complications, and recovery time often associated with more traditional interventions.


We are pleased to announce that Dr. Elise Robertson will be consulting at Concordia Pet Care from 16 to 18 September 2024.


Dr. Elise Robertson is not only a board-certified specialist in feline medicine with ABVS® certification but also a renowned specialist in endoscopy, laparoscopy, and endoscopic laser surgery for both canines and felines. With over twenty years of clinical experience, she has accumulated a wealth of expertise.


For more info:

Please note that Dr. Robertson’s availability is limited to these three days only. Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to schedule an appointment as soon as possible if your pet requires specialised care.


For more information or to book an appointment with Dr. Elise Robertson, please contact us at 2679 1000 or via WhatsApp message at 5919 3038.

Concordia pet care Pet health guardian