Ding Dong's Ear Infection
Dr. Cheryl Chan Hiu Chung 2021-03-18


Ding Dong came to Concordia after months of persistent ear infection, which had not cleared up despite treatment.

On examination, his ear canals were narrowed and inflamed. Computed tomography (CT) was performed to get a fuller picture of the condition of the external, middle and inner ears. Our CT images revealed that both middle ear compartments had actually been affected. There was even bone erosion in the left middle ear! Surgery was performed, and to our delight, Ding Dong’s ear problem has finally cleared up!

Ear infections in dogs are not uncommon. Long-eared dog breeds with excessive hair are more prone to infections. Severe infection can lead to serious consequences such as hearing loss, middle ear and inner ear infections. Veterinary advice should be sought.

Concordia pet care Pet health guardian